✅ Want to finally get control of your real estate business and close more deals? Check out my coaching program, the Market Authority Academy: https://bit.ly/3KLm7a6 Unlock the secrets to what your clients actually look for in a realtor! 🏡 I’m Stefanie, and I teach real estate agents how to market themselves on and off social media to attract their dream clients. In today’s video, we dive deep into the evolving landscape of real estate and uncover exactly what your clients care about in 2024.
Are you wondering if experience, a fancy website, or drone footage will make the cut? Spoiler alert: it’s none of those! From having a solid plan to offering an exceptional client experience, I break down the four crucial elements that can set you apart from your competition.
🎯 Key Takeaways:
1. Have a Plan: Clients want organized, strategic realtors, not someone winging it.
2. Amazing Client Experience: From the first interaction, ensure your process is smooth, informative, and delightful.
3. Effective Communication: Listen more, speak less, and tailor your approach to each client’s needs.
4. Lead with Confidence: Guide your clients assertively through the process to instill trust and reliability.
🚨GET THIS FREE CLASS!! “The Ultimate Real Estate Workflow”: https://bit.ly/3RxlCEA
00:00 – What do your clients actually care about
0:40 – Real Estate Agent with a Plan
2:20 – Amazing Client Experience
4:40 – Effective Communication & Options
6:35 – Confident Process Leadership
SHOP MY ESSENTIAL REAL ESTATE SYSTEMS: Get my schedules and routines for realtors in my Time Management Guide: https://bit.ly/3PFCl7B
5x your referrals with my marketing plans and scripts in my Referral Mastery Guide: https://bit.ly/49aJGTG Get my Follow Up Scripts and CRM campaigns in my No-Fail Follow Up Guide: https://bit.ly/49blJf7
Feeling stuck in your business? Take this FREE Quiz to get your free tailored action plan: https://stefanielugo.com/quiz
Free CRM Guide (Updated 2024): https://stefanielugo.com/crm-freebie
Free 5x Your Referrals Guide (New in 2024): https://stefanielugo.com/referral-freebie
Grab my FREE Weekly Planner for Realtors (New in 2024): https://stefanielugo.com/time-freebie
Wanna work with me? Check out my coaching program, the Market Authority Academy: https://stefanielugo.com/coaching
// FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM 👉🏻 https://www.instagram.com/bryceandstefanie/
// SOME OF MY FAVES: *some of these are affiliate links, which means if you make a purchase on the site after clicking these links, I could earn a commission. thanks for supporting the channel!
►Canva – https://partner.canva.com/c/2779009/6…
►PopBys – https://popbyco.com/?ref=thelugos ( LUGO25 for 5% off your first purchase)
►SendOut Cards – https://www.SendOutCards.com/u/brycelugo
►Reva – https://thinkreva.com/marketauthorityacademy/
►Coffee&Contracts – https://bit.ly/3OnTiBh (MAA15 for $15 off of your first charge)
►Farming Mailers – Email me at Hello@StefanieLugo.com to learn how Corefact can help you become the go-to agent in your neighborhood
►Harold and Homes – http://haroldhome.refr.cc/stefanie ($15 off if you use this link)
►XYZ Media – work with my video editor! Email Zeke@XYZMedia.info
// ABOUT ME I’m Stefanie Lugo, your real estate business coach! I’m the OG Systems Gal, or rather, the real estate agent & founder behind the Market Authority. I’ve learned a bit after ten years in real estate—right in the action and guiding folks like you. My tried-and-tested methods have helped agents double their deals (or more!) and find that sweet spot of work-life balance they never thought possible. This Academy is me handing over the keys to the kingdom, those same strategies that worked wonders for me and many others. It’s about more than just getting by in real estate; it’s about owning it. Ready to step up with the pros and make your mark?
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