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Ready to give your real estate business a serious boost? Our 4-Week Level Up Your Real Estate Business Challenge is here to help you get organized, stay on track, and see real results—all in just one month.

Freebies, Guides, and Checklists - oh my!

Market Authority Resources

Imagine being able to shadow me through the day as I'm at it in my real estate business, taking notes as you peek over my shoulder. Then, make it a whole library.

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You're stronger than you think you are. But if you're anything like me, you need help to take your real estate biz to the next level. You just want someone to tell you what works.

I've spent the last 10 years creating systems in my real estate business that not only work - but are easy to share and implement for others, too!

All part of the Market Authority framework for real estate agents, and ready for you to try on for size. 

If you're done with the DIY approach and want the most straight-forward, step by step support...


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Most real estate agents assume that referrals should just...happen. They would be wrong. This checklist has everything you need to know to 5x your referrals.

CRM's - so misunderstood! If you're ready to get serious about your follow up (I hear it's where the fortune is, after all), this is the checklist for you.

An excerpt from the Market Authority Planner, this freebie will walk you through my signature Weekly Planning series.

Does everything feel important, all at once?

When I feel that way, it's hard to take a step in any direction, let alone the right one. Take this free quiz to get your custom action plan for your real estate business.

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Mastering Your Real Estate Systems in 2024

Three Systems for Consistent Marketing, Seamless Client Journeys, and Smart Time Management for Real Estate Agents

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Free 60 Minute Class

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Video Coaching for
Real Estate Agents

Grab up some quick-hit, actionable real estate hacks in <15 minute video trainings on YouTube!

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real estate business coaching

Join the Market Authority Academy

You don’t need more guesswork to elevate your real estate biz, you need strategy. Let’s streamline your success.