Free Guide!

And yes, you will be added to my email list of 15k other real estate pros who love systems, too!

Why you might not be getting referrals now, and exactly how to fix it

setting up a referral database for your real estate business - step by step 

exactly who you need to be connecting with to get more referrals asap

Ready to turn your satisfied clients into your biggest advocates? Dive into our strategic guide to quintuple your referrals and make your real estate business the talk of the town. Learn the art of nurturing relationships that keep the referrals flowing and your client base growing.

Download Your Free 
Referral Guidebook!

- Amanda

"Going through the database (with the ABCs) and already have a past client that is wanting to list soon!" 

Hello there!


Meet Your Real Estate
Business Coach

I'm Stefanie, your go-to guide for transforming your referral strategy from "meh" to "WOW!"

 It wasn't always smooth sailing for me; there were times when my phone was eerily quiet, and my email was a ghost town. But then, I cracked the code. I went from hoping for referrals to actively generating them, using a blend of genuine connections and smart, year-long marketing strategies. Now, I've got a network that does the heavy lifting for me, bringing in dream clients and helping my business grow more than I ever thought possible. And guess what? I'm here to share all my secrets with you. Let's turn your database into a referral-generating machine together, shall we?